The following list of medical terms are defined using everyday language and are provided to assist you in completing you medical questionnaire.

ANGINA: Chest pain.

BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY: A large prostate, which is not cancerous.

CLAUDICATION: A pain felt in the lower legs while walking usually relieved by rest. The pain is secondary to decreased blood flow through the extremities.

CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE: A condition in which the heart cannot produce enough output to satisfy the body's needs.

CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE: Disease involving the vessels of the heart, such as arteriosclerosis-group of disease characterized by thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls.

DIABETES INSIPIDUS: Inability to concentrate urine, resulting in increased thirst and urine excretion.

DIABETES MELLITUS: Increased glucose in the blood characterized by increased urine production.

HEPATITIS: A virus, which effects the liver.

HYPERTENSION: Abnormally high blood pressure > 170/110   normal 120/80

HYPOTENSION: Abnormally low blood pressure < 90/50 normal 120/80

LEUKEMIA: A type of cancer where one has an increase in white blood cells.

MULTIPLE MYELOMA: A type of cancer that arises in the bone marrow that may result in pathologic fractures and bone pain.

MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: (Heart attack) occurs when there is a constriction or obstruction of one of the vessels that supplies a region of the heart.  If blood flow is restricted significantly there is damage to that area – called ischemia.

PROSTATE CANCER: Cancer to the gland that surrounds the neck of the bladder and the urethra in the male.

PYRONIE'S DISEASE: An abnormal curvature of the penis.

RETINITIS PIGMENTOSIS: A disease marked by the progressive loss of the neural elements used for the transmission and reception of visual stimuli in the eye.

SCHIZOPHRENIA: A state or condition of split personality, as indicated by fantasies, illusions, delusions, mannerisms, etc.

SICKLE CELL ANEMIA: Defect in the oxygen-carrying component of the red blood   cells.  The cells are sickle shaped.

VALVULAR HEART DISEASE: Disease of the valves of the heart.


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